How are iDiversicons Different From Traditional Emoji?
While some other emoji can help convey feelings and emotions, there’s one glaring problem with nearly every emotion icon set available: they’re all the same.
No two emotions are the same, just as no two people are the same, so why should you have to use the same emoji as everyone else? How are you supposed to express how YOU truly feel using the same images as everyone you know? That’s the question that the developers of iDiversicons asked themselves, and the answer was a new way of thinking about emotion icons. Less cookie-cutter image, and more personalized, individual avatar, your iDiversicons let you be you.

Don’t Let Someone Else’s Face Speak For You
In order for emotion icons to fully represent how you feel, they should look like they come from you.
That was the simple concept that the folks behind iDiversicons began with when they created their emotion icon directory, and the result is a selection of emotion icons with unmatched emotional and racial diversity.
Representing an entire world of faces, there are over 900 iDiversicons to choose from–so no matter where on earth you’re from, chances are you’ll see faces that look like you. They satisfy a void that the current emoji lack and what the public has been asking for: “more faces of color.” With more ethnicities being added to the iDiversicon emoji directory all the time, iDiversicons make it clear that one face does not fit all.
Your Emotions, Your Choice
The sheer number of expressive options are another way iDiversicons stand out.
Each of us is a complicated individual, so when you’re looking to share exactly how you feel, you don’t want to be limited to a small selection of basic feelings. iDiversicons give you unmatched freedom of individual expression with emotion icons to represent every facet of human emotion, from the highest of highs and lowest of lows to every distinct shade in between. Sending iDiversicons leaves nothing to chance, you’ll know you’re saying exactly what you mean, in a way that truly represents you.